Steady, Stationery,
and Completely

PromGen DM1000 is an electricity generator that can be installed virtually anywhere that needs power for extended periods of time.

PromGen fuel cells work with very little noise, trace heat, and most importantly, no climate change-causing emissions.

Technical Data

Product Specification
Model Name PROM-GEN™ DM1000
Fuel Cell Type DMFC
Rated Power 1.0kW class
2.0kWh LBESS
Rated Voltage 48 VDC (43~53V)
Generating Capacity 24kWh / day
Fuel Type Methanol or Methanol Solution
Fuel Consumption 0.9 ℓ / kWh
Weight 220kg
Dimensions W600 * D800 * H1260

Areas that can benefit from
PromGen DM1000

Stay safe and warm
with Gaoncell IOT Fuel Cell
onitoring System.

Our stationary fuel cells and selected portable fuel cells are equipped with IOT-enabled GSM Modem that remotely pings and update its status periodically.
We made our fuel cells smart, so you can rest in confidence, that it will always have power just as soon as you need it.


User Manual (PromGen DM1000)

Brochure (PromGen DM1000)

Catalogue (PromGen DM1000)

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Frequently Asked Questions

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We can’t wait to tell you how we can help you go green today.